
Speaker Reel

Levi understands the importance of having an event run smoothly and in a punctual manner and will follow through with his promise to inspire, entertain, and leave you feeling like you got your money’s worth and more. Each Presentation can be tailored to accommodate any venue or audience depending on your needs or requests.

All Keynote Presentations Include:

Slideshow - Musical performances - Comedy Bits


A simple and effective formula for emotionally controlled decision making.

In the face of adversity, it is common to feel engulfed by stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. Learning to navigate and master these emotional challenges is pivotal in steering clear of decisions that can derail our lives.

Through the experience of losing his hand and almost his life, Levi teaches valuable strategies for approaching decision-making with clarity and intention, fostering a mindset crucial in shifting from being a victim to becoming an achiever and from following others to leading with confidence.

Runtime: 60 Minutes
Focus audience: ages 12 and up
Great for assemblies, work shops, and conventions

Attendees will leave the event understanding the following: 

  • By mastering the art of managing our thoughts, we have the ability to steer our emotions towards making logical and sound judgments.
  • How to assess the cost-benefit dynamics: evaluating the trade-offs between our decisions and their ensuing consequences.
  • The necessity of research to comprehend the full scope of a situation before responding, as every narrative presents multiple sides for consideration.
  • Encouraging thoughtful reflection on how our decisions impact the lives of those we hold dear, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy in our choices.
  • Recognizing that our errors and misjudgments are inherent in the human experience, vital for personal development when we can learn from them and move forward.


Complacency is Not a "Safety" Problem

When safety complacency becomes an issue, companies frequently resort to doubling down on procedures and protocols. However, this approach is similar to applying a band-aid to an open wound – it may temporarily slow the bleeding but disregards the underlying issue. 

To effectively address complacency and cultivate an engaging, positive safety culture, it is imperative to acknowledge that complacency is not merely a box to tick off on a safety checklist; it's a human engagement challenge.

Runtime: 60 Minutes
Focus audience: Businesses or companies were workplace safety is a concern.

Great for 
conferences, conventions, or in-house training.

Attendees will leave the event understanding the following: 

  • The importance of simplifying your safety message to make it engaging and clear, avoiding confusion.
  • The skills needed by front-line supervisors to motivate their workers to actively participate in the company's safety program.
  • Strategies for motivating front-line workers to enthusiastically participate in the company's safety program.
  • Techniques for establishing and preserving a positive safety culture within the company.


It's Your Choice

When confronted with trials and adversity, it's common to feel overwhelmed, as if our circumstances have spiraled beyond our control. Yet, true resilience lies in understanding that we possess the agency to shape our narratives through intentional choices.

In this keynote, Levi shares the three pivotal principles that propelled him beyond survival to remarkable triumph in the face of unimaginable challenges, including the loss of his hand and almost losing his life. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of comedy, inspiration, and empowerment that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Runtime: 60 Minutes
Focus audience: ages 12 and up
Great for assemblies, work shops, and conventions

Attendees will leave the event understanding the following: 

  • How taking ownership of our actions, thoughts, and choices can lead to resilience and growth in the most challenging circumstances.
  • Practical strategies to shift from victimhood to empowerment, inspiring a mindset that fosters self-reliance and proactive decision-making.
  • The profound impact of reaching out for support as a demonstration of strength and resilience.
  • The empowering mindset that views setbacks as opportunities for learning and refinement.
  • The art of learning from mistakes and embracing the redundant process of finding solutions.


Non-denominational: If Thou Endure It Well

So often, the trials we encounter result in feelings of stress, anxiety, and being overwhelmed. 

Through the experience of losing his hand and almost his life, Levi teaches how to build a loving relationship with Christ and how, by nurturing this intimate connection, individuals can find a profound sense of peace, serenity, and inner strength to navigate impending challenges with newfound grace and assurance.

Runtime: 60 Minutes 
Focus audience: ages 12 and up
Great for firesides, youth camps, worship services

Attendees will leave the event understanding the following: 

  • The importance of making smart decisions to prevent accidents.
  • Understanding that you are never alone and that God will always be there with arms wide open to provide you with peace and comfort.
  • Vital techniques used to help you find the good in awful situations.
  • How to build a loving relationship with Christ.
  • What it means to have complete trust and confidence in Christ and the peace you can feel in doing so.